
JYM language courses

All students are required to take Advanced German Language (JYG 3100/3200) each semester.

Prepare for the JYM language placement test

JYM area studies courses

JYM area studies courses are electives taught at the JYM Institute. They have been designed to bridge the transition from U.S.-style to German-style university studies, and include field trips and excursions.

View JYM courses

University courses

All JYM students are directly enrolled at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich) and have access to the full university curriculum, except medicine and law.

Important: Courses at German universities often change from semester to semester and the final schedule of classes (Vorlesungsverzeichnis) will only be available shortly before each semester begins. Therefore, you should expect to make adjustments to your proposed schedule of courses when you arrive in Munich for orientation and inform your home school of any changes should that be required of you.

A typical student course schedule consists of a combination of JYM and LMU Munich courses. It's not recommended that students plan to take all their coursework at the university unless their language skills are clearly at the B2 level. This is especially true for the natural sciences and business. See our recommendations for students in the natural and physical sciences and business.

View LMU Munich courses