Self-care help and resources

Finding your way at the LMU and in Munich

Use these resources to make the most of your time in Munich.

  • Alcohol awareness

    Use good judgment in consuming beer or alcoholic beverages. Remember the beer is stronger than most American beer and served in larger quantities and cheap. Schnapps, too, is plentiful. It is, therefore, very important to eat a good hearty meal before visiting the beer tents at festivals, beer gardens, parties, etc. If you drink alcohol, you might consider alternating alcoholic with non-alcoholic beverages to reduce your alcohol consumption. Please do not over-indulge as this can put your personal health and safety at great risk and could lead to being expelled from the JYM program. Never expect or pressure another person to consume alcoholic beverages.

    While alcohol is socially acceptable, public drunkenness is frowned upon in Germany. You should not assume that all Germans consume alcohol. This is not the case. For many Germans, however, alcohol is a part of everyday life and you will find they like to spend summer afternoons at a Biergarten or winter evenings at a Glühwein stand at a holiday market. In general, overconsumption is not part of this kind of gathering. While it is not illegal to consume alcoholic beverages in public in Germany, it is illegal to be drunk in public. It is both dangerous and illegal to ride a bicycle while intoxicated. The penalties for driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol are very severe in Germany!

    As you think about whether and how you want to consume alcohol abroad, we encourage you to watch this University of Minnesota video.


  • BIPOC abroad

    Germany and Europe are becoming increasingly diverse, but as a Black person, an indigenous person or a person of color you will be a visible minority in Germany and will also find that BIPOC in Germany have different histories and identities than BIPOC in the U.S. You may also experience racism. The Munich and Detroit staff are continuously educating ourselves about the issues faced by BIPOC students abroad. Please feel free to come to us if you are seeking resources or having difficulties and we will work to help you or find someone who can.  


    Hair and skin products and salons

    Products for Black hair and skin are available in Munich but are generally more expensive than in the United States. So, you might want to travel to Munich with a good supply of your favorites. Shops and salons in Munich include: 

  • Clubs and initiatives

    See a list of student associations and initiatives at LMU.

  • Diet

    In Munich, you can find ethnic cuisines from around the world. The number of vegan and vegetarian cafés and restaurants in Munich is growing steadily, with good options also in most grocery stores and in Bioläden such as Altnatura and VollCorner. The latter will be more expensive, however, so you might want to start by seeing what is available at Aldi.

    Gluten-free shops

    Halal foods and restaurants in Munich

    Kosher foods and restaurants in Munich

  • Disability services

    If you have a disability that requires accommodation, please bring the official accommodation letter from your college or university with you to Munich. If you feel comfortable doing so, please also let us know about your needs ahead of time so that we can put a plan in place to meet your needs. 

    LMU resources

    Visit Munich Student Union resources for more information.

  • Diversity training and support
  • Emergencies

    If you're involved in or witness an incident that involves a non-JYMer, or if you're involved in or witness an incident that requires immediate intervention, call the police.

    ⚠️ The emergency number for the police in Germany is 110.

    ⚠️ The emergency number for police, fire or medical assistance throughout the EU is 112 (free call from any cell phone).

    The nearest Munich police department can be found online at Here you can also find the nearest Dienststelle oder Polizeiinspektion.



    Klinikum Schwabing, Kölner Platz 1: 089-33040302

    The Schwabinger Krankenhaus is the hospital nearest the Studentenstadt (five to ten min. taxi ride) and to OlyDorf (two tram stops) located at Kölner Platz 1 (near U 3 Scheidplatz). From StuStad, it's best to take a taxi from the taxi stand by the U-Bahn/Bushaltestelle "Studentenstadt." Save your receipt from the taxi ride. It can be turned in to the TK insurance company for 100% reimbursement.

    Urgent care

    KVB-Bereitschaftspraxis Elisenhof, Prielmayerstraße 3: 089-116 or 089-117

    (4. Stock) near Hauptbahnhof. Open later afternoons, evenings and weekends for non-emergencies. After-hours urgent care is available. For office hours, visit KVB Bereitschaftspraxis.


    Ärztlicher Notdienst is an emergency medical service available to make house calls in the middle of the night: 089-55-55-66 or 01805-191212 if you cannot get to the hospital. When you call, tell the person on the phone your name, address, phone number and age, and describe your symptoms.

    Dental emergencies: Weekdays

    Zahnklinik der Universität

    For all dental emergencies. No appointment is necessary.

    Goethestr. 70

    Dental emergencies: After hours

    There are always a few dentists throughout the city available on rotation for emergency services during the night and on weekends. To find a location call: Not- und Bereitschaftsdienst der Münchner Kassenzahnärzte, 089-72-33-093.

    Or visit for current emergency dental care near you. Enter your Postleitzahl of current location (StuStadt is 80805, Olydorf is 80809).

  • Non-emergency reporting

    First stop: Staff in Munich

    Aside from emergencies, the staff in Munich is the first stop for any JYMer who has experienced or witnessed a crime or misconduct, who needs mental health or medical support or who has any other issues of concern. They have the knowledge and contact information to get you the support you need most quickly.

    Second stop: JYM office in Detroit

    If you find that the Munich staff is not able to support you or meet your needs, the second stop should be our Detroit office.

    If you're involved in or witness an incident that involves a non-JYMer, or if you're involved in or witness an incident that requires immediate intervention, call the police. The emergency number for the police in Germany is 110.

    The emergency number for police, fire and medical assistance throughout the EU is 112 (free call from any cell phone). The nearest Munich police department can be found online at Here you can also find the nearest Dienststelle oder Polizeiinspektion.

    Third stop: Study abroad office in Detroit

    To alert the study abroad office of any incidents of concern and/or incidents that you do not feel are being adequately addressed by the staff in Munich or Detroit, please file JYM Incident Report, which will go to Program Director, Dr. Lisabeth Hock, WSU Director of Study Abroad and Global Programs, Dr. Kelli Dixon, and WSU Associate Director of Study Abroad and Global Programs, Margaret Ogg.

    Note that the Munich staff is required to file an incident report with the Detroit office in case of the following: acute physical or mental illness, overnight hospitalization, drug or alcohol abuse, arrest, crime directed towards student, missing student, sexual or physical assault, rape, natural disaster, terrorism or civil unrest.

  • File an incident report

    Because JYM students are enrolled at Wayne State University for the time they are in the program, the WSU Student Code of Conduct (SCC) applies to all participants. The code of conduct expresses the standards of conduct that the university expects from students, it covers both academic and non-academic behavior and requires students to comply with WSU policies.

    To report any incident of misconduct that involves JYMers, you may go to the Munich or Detroit staff, file a Wayne State University student complaint form or contact the Student Conduct Officer Nikolina Dmitruchina,

    If a formal non-academic misconduct charge is filed, Wayne State will inform the involved students and conduct an investigation. Disciplinary action will be determined by the results of the process.

  • LGBTQ*

    The LGBTQ* scene in Munich has a long history. For many decades, LGBTQ* events and venues have been based in the Glockenbachviertel, which hosts the annual Pink Christmas Market. In 1980, Munich was one of the first European cities to hold Christopher Street Day celebrations. The Munich-based political party, Rosa Liste was the first gay and lesbian electoral group in Europe to take up seats on a local council, in the 1990s. There is even a Rosa Wiesn, a series of Oktoberfest events that kick off on the first Sunday of the celebration, which is traditionally known as Gay Sunday.

    Health care

    Queermed-Deutschland, Registry for queer-friendly physicians

    Queermed is not only focused on queer-friendly doctors or therapists but open to all people who face discrimination in the healthcare system. May it be due to their profession, monetary gatekeeping, fatphobia, gaslighting, or racism. The Queermed directory can be used in German and English.

    Online resources


  • Medical


    AIDs and STD counseling

    (Free and Anonymous counseling/testing for STDs) HIV-Schnelltest Bayerstraße 28a (vom Hauptbahnhof 10 Gehminuten) 089-233-23333 (a walk-in clinic, call for opening times).

    Dentist – Zahnarzt

    Dr. Rountree (American)
    Sendlinger Str. 62
    Phone: 089-23-88-500, by appointment only

    General practitioners

    Allgemeinarzt Praxis Dr. Denis Gründel 
    Münchner Freiheit 6 (Ecke Haimhauserstraße /U-6 Münchener Freiheit) 
    Phone: 089-34-40-60

    Dr. Engelke bei Hausärtze-Grünwald Praxis
    Rathausstraße 1, 82031 Grünwald 
    Phone: 089-64-11-781


    Frauenarztpraxis Dr. Thomas Villinger 
    Sendlingertorplatz 10 
    089-55 56 55 

    Frauenarzt: Dr. Herold bei Praxis für Frauengesundheit an der Münchner Freiheit
    Leopoldstraße 71
    80802 München 
    Phone: 089-34 75 34

    Mental health counselor

    For psychological first aid or longer-term counseling psychologists (only for those under 21), English speaker: Alice Boetsch

    Psychiatrist (English-speaking): 

    Dr. Andrej Pauls (Neurologie)
    Sendlingerstraße 45
    Phone: 089-23077852

    LGBTQ health care


    Registry for queer-friendly physicians. Queermed is not only focused on queer-friendly doctors or therapists but is open to all people who face discrimination in the healthcare system. May it be due to their profession, monetary gatekeeping, fatphobia, gaslighting, or racism. The Queermed directory can be used in German and English.

  • Personal care

    In Germany, personal care products are sold at the Drogerie, not at the Apotheke, which is a pharmacy. If you want vitamins, your best choice is a Reformhaus.

    Products for Black hair and skin are available but are generally more expensive in the United States. So, you might want to travel to Munich with a good supply of your favorites. Afroshops in Munich include:

  • Prescriptions and therapy sessions in Germany

    Tips for students requiring prescription medications and/or therapy sessions in Germany


    • All students should be aware of the policy for filling prescriptions and should make an appointment to do so a month ahead of when they will need the refill.
    • We encourage you to arrive in Germany with a three-month supply of your prescription medicines, as this will ensure that you have what you need while you are getting set up in the German medical system. If you're having difficulty obtaining this amount through your family, personal or school insurance policy, you might want to try
    • German law strictly prohibits medications, vitamins and healthcare supplements from being imported into the country by mail. One should never plan to mail medications into Germany.
    • Even if you are feeling better, do not stop taking a medication or try to change your dosage while in Germany without consultation with and supervision of a professional.

    Prescription medications/pharmacies

    • German pharmacies cannot fill U.S. prescriptions. If students take prescription medication, then they must have the prescription written by a German doctor for the German equivalent.
    • Students taking prescription medicine should come to Europe with a written note from their family physician in the USA indicating the name of the patient, the condition, the name of the medication and the dosage, as well as a copy of the prescription itself.
    • JYM has relationships with medical doctors, including psychiatric professionals, to whom we regularly send our students.
    • The German medical professionals will find an equivalent and write a prescription for the student to take to the pharmacy.
    • The student may have to pay a fee of 10 Euros at the pharmacy for each prescription, depending on the medication.

    Prescription medications that may be difficult to obtain in Germany

    • Some U.S. prescriptions are considered illegal narcotics in Germany and elsewhere in Europe. Prescriptions that may be difficult—or difficult to fill at the dosage one takes in the U.S. —include:
      • ADHD/ADD medications (*Adderall, Concerta, Ritalin) *are considered illegal narcotics in many European countries
      • Pain medications (Vicodin, Oxycontin, Demerol)
      • Anxiety medications (Xanax, Ativan, Valium, Buseprone)
      • Sleep medicines (Ambien, Sonata)
    • Students taking prescribed medicine should investigate as early as possible whether those medications are restricted in Germany. Some helpful websites include:
    • If possible, students should try to bring at least a three-month supply of prescriptions with them. If it would be helpful for your insurance company, JYM can write a letter stating that you will be here for an extended period of time.
    • When traveling to Europe with these medications, it is essential that the student:
      • Bring a signed and date-stamped note from their doctor (on letterhead), that states, in English, the following:
        • The name of the medicine (including the medicine’s generic name), the prescribed dosage and that the medicine is not a narcotic.
        • The patient (full name) is carrying X amount of the medicine (boxes, grams, etc.) to last X number of months/weeks.
        • The medicine in the prescribed dosage is necessary for the patient’s health (name the condition), that the patient cannot go without it during their stay in Europe and that the doctor’s recommendation is that this medicine in this dosage be continued for the duration of the patient’s stay in Germany.
    • Keep each medicine in its original packaging/bottles.
    • Make sure the bottles/packaging are clearly labeled. (Keep your prescription with you).
    • Pack the medicine in your carry-on bag. (Not your checked luggage).

    Continuation of therapy while in Munich

    • Studying abroad is amazing and exciting, but it is also stressful. If you are currently in therapy in the U.S., we encourage you to continue that therapy while you are abroad.
    • The first step is to see whether your home therapist offers teletherapy and whether your U.S. health insurance covers teletherapy sessions for clients who are abroad. Many JYMers able to do this found it was good to continue therapy with someone who already knew them.
    • If you cannot continue with your therapist at home, JYM works closely with two therapists, one who provides German-health-insurance-covered services for patients under 21 at the time they start seeing her and another who provides services for patients over 21 at the time that they make their first appointment. Please reach out to a JYM staff member as soon as you apply for your TK health insurance and they can help you set up an appointment.
  • Religion


    Katholische Hochschulgemeinde, Leopoldstr. 11 80802 München, Maxvorstadt


    Muslims Abroad, Brochure from Rutgers University

    Islamische Hochschulvereinigung , Arcisstraße 21, Maxvorstadt


    Verband Jüdischer Studenten in Bayern, St.-Jakobs-Platz 18, near Viktualienmarkt


    Evangelische Studentinnen- und Studentengemeinde, Friedrichstraße 25, Maxvorstadt

  • Safety in Germany

    Munich is rated one of the safest big cities in Europe. As with any large city, however, there are things to beware of and keep in mind:

    • Beware of pickpocketing, especially in large crowds, crowded U-Bahns and during Oktoberfest or other festivals.
    • Women should be aware of their surroundings in isolated spaces but also in crowds any unwanted approaches or touch should immediately be rejected by shouting loudly "LASS MICH IN RUHE!" Don't hesitate to ask for assistance from bystanders and call the police at 110 immediately.
    • Avoid walking alone at night in the English Garden any parks or other relatively isolated areas.
    • Call the Heimweg Telefon if you are feeling unsafe on your way home at night. This hotline, run by volunteers, is a way to feel safer when making your way back from a night out. You will provide them with your location and your destination and the volunteers will stay on the call with you until you have safely arrived. Please refer to for further information.

    Safety resources

    Sexual assault and bystander intervention

  • Sexual health

    When living in Germany, you may find attitudes towards sex and relationships that differ from those you are familiar with at home. You may encounter this among the German and international students you meet as well as among others in the program. Whether you are sexually active or not, it is important to think about and reflect on sexual health and behavior, to be aware of individual and cultural differences, and to take proactive safety steps while studying abroad.

    Before you travel to Germany, we encourage you to protect your health and that of others by visiting a doctor, scheduling a sexual health check-up and filling necessary contraceptive prescriptions.

    Cultural differences

    • In general, Germans have a more liberal and open attitude towards sex than many cultures, including in the U.S. Sex is discussed openly; sex education is a part of the school curriculum starting in elementary school and children's theater productions regularly deal with topics related to sex and sexuality. Many Germans view sexual exploration as part of growing up and finding one's way to adulthood. Often, German teenagers have the approval of their parents to spend the night with their partners.
    • Together, German attitudes towards sex and mandatory health insurance for all make it fairly easy for romantic couples to live together and have children without being married.
    • Marriage and partnerships are legal for same-sex couples in Germany. Although same-sex marriage was legalized in 2017, same-sex couples continue to face hurdles if they want to adopt children.


    The concept of consent may be different among the people you encounter during your time in Europe. U.S. college and university students learn that consent means a very clear 'yes.' In Germany, consent may be commonly implied when you agree to go home with someone and engage in an act of a sexual nature. While you can, of course, say no at any point in a sexual encounter, young Germans might find it odd to go home with someone they just met at a bar who doesn't intend to have sex. Being conscious of these intercultural differences, as well as explicitly communicating your own intentions, is important when navigating sexual relationships abroad.

    Safety tips for sexual health

    JYM recommends that students utilize the following safety measures while in our program and while traveling independently in Europe. These tips are provided for proactive purposes only and it is JYM policy that the victim/survivor never be blamed for their choices or actions surrounding sexual violence. No matter the circumstance, perpetrators are to blame for sexual violence and it is never the victim/survivor's fault.

    • Have an open and direct discussion about your intentions and limits.
    • If you're not sure what the other person wants, you must ask. Don't guess and risk harming the other person or committing a crime.
    • Don't go out alone. Pairs or small groups can watch out for one another.
    • Monitor your consumption of alcohol and don't drink so much that your judgment is compromised.
    • Before going out, know how you will get home.
    • Travel home with your friends when possible and don't leave a friend behind.
    • Watch your drink and do not accept a drink from a stranger. If someone wants to buy you a drink, take it directly from the bartender.
    • If you see a friend in a compromising situation, help them if you can do so safely, or ask for assistance from a bartender or the police.

    See the following for tips on bystander intervention:

  • Sexual health: Contraception resources


    • Condoms are sold at all convenience and grocery stores. Germans and many other international students will expect condoms to be used to prevent STDs, even if other contraception is used for birth control. It is a good idea to have condoms on hand if you'll be sexually active.
    • The 'morning after pill' (die Pille Danach) and pregnancy tests are available at pharmacies. These items are frequently behind the counter, but do not be embarrassed to ask for them!
    • We recommend that you travel with your prescription contraception from home, especially for the first three months that you'll be in Germany because you will need a prescription from a German doctor to have prescriptions filled in Germany.

    LGBTQ Healthcare

    Queermed-Deutschland, Registry for queer-friendly physicians

    Recommended gynecologists

    Frauenarztpraxis Dr. Thomas Villinger
    Sendlingertorplatz 10
    Phone: 089-55-56-55

    Frauenarzt: Dr. Herold bei Praxis für Frauengesundheit an der Münchner Freiheit
    Leopoldstraße 71, 80802 München
    Phone: 089-34-75-34

    STD testing

    Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and diseases (STDs) are viewed as treatable conditions in Germany and are generally not seen as shameful. Tests for STDs and STIs, including HIV tests, as well as sexual counseling, are available at Checkpoint München.

  • Sexual misconduct

    Among other forms of academic misconduct, Section 4.18 of the SCC prohibits “any form of sexual misconduct” and outlines policies prohibiting sexual assault, 01-5 Sexual Assault, and sexual harassment, 3.0.4 Sexual Harassment.

    If you become aware of an incident of sexual misconduct involving JYMers, you may report it to the Munich or Detroit Staff. If you believe that you are the victim of sexual misconduct by another JYMer, you can file a student complaint form or contact Student Conduct Officer Nikolina Dmitruchina, Please note that the effective processing of a sexual misconduct charge typically requires the cooperation of the complainant.

    File a Title IX Report

    Students studying abroad often ask questions about Title IX as a way of addressing sexual misconduct that takes place outside of the U.S.  Unfortunately, Title IX is not available. That is because, under current federal regulations, the law does not apply to sexual misconduct that occurs outside of the United States. Yet, while Title IX is not available to resolve claims of sexual misconduct in Germany, the WSU Title IX office does offer resources to support individuals affected by sexual misconduct. For this reason, if you report the incident to a Munich or Detroit staff member, they report it to the WSU Title IX coordinator.

    You may also contact the Title IX coordinator directly. She can assist with directing you to the appropriate resources to address your concern, provide support and counsel you about what to expect should you move forward with a complaint through the code of conduct process. More information about the Title IX Office, including the coordinator’s phone number and email address and a reporting form, can be found at

  • Support groups


    First-generation students

    Support group for students who are the first in their family to attend a university.


  • U.S. Consulate General in Munich

    Emergency and special consular services

    U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Germany: For American citizens and deals with cases such as child emergencies, hospitalization, arrest and death of American citizens.

    Phone: 089-288-8580 (for emergencies only). This phone line is only for the aforementioned and similar cases. Lost, stolen, or expired passports or appointment requests do not constitute emergencies. See hours, address and more.

    For all other cases, contact

    Emergency after hours

    From Germany: 089-2888-0 from within Germany.

    From the U.S.: 011-49-892-8880 (ask to be connected to the consulate duty officer).

For questions or to add a recommendation, contact