Here you'll find answers to our frequently asked questions.

  • Am I allowed to get a part-time job in Germany?

    Yes. International students may work up to 120 working days or 240 half-days a year without an additional work permit. There are also some additional allowances and restrictions (see LMU Munich: Working in Germany).

  • Are all LMU courses taught in German?

    Most courses are taught in German. But the LMU is an international university and you'll find many that are taught in English, although the style of teaching and approach to the subject matter will be quite different from what you are used to in the U.S. You should discuss with your advisor ahead of time whether it's possible for you to take classes taught in English.

  • ​​​​​​​Do I have to be a junior to go on JYM?

    Yes. Our agreement with LMU Munich stipulates that students need junior class standing by the time the JYM program begins in Munich. This usually means about 55 to 60 credits.

  • Do you offer courses in my major?

    JYM makes it possible for you to find courses in just about any major at LMU Munich. The only limitations are law and medicine which have restricted enrollments. JYM also offers several electives each semester for program students at the JYM Institute. See courses for more information.

  • How much German do I need?

    You need to have completed two years of college-level German with a B average. Important for admission is the level of German, not the number of courses taken. Contact JYM in Detroit for questions about what we accept to satisfy this requirement.

  • Is JYM just for German majors?

    No, only about half of JYM students today are majoring in German or include German with a double-major. The other half are not German majors at all but are students majoring in business, social sciences, natural and physical sciences, computer science and math.

  • Is JYM just for students from Michigan?

    No, JYM students come from all across the U.S. (from about 30-35 other colleges and universities).

  • Is JYM only an academic year abroad program?

    No, we also offer one-semester program options. Because of the LMU calendar, the second semester ("Sommersemester" in German) is usually the best option.

  • What are classes like at a German university?

    Unlike in the U.S. where students are regularly checked via quizzes and midterm exams to see if they are doing their homework and keeping up, German professors simply assume you are doing the required preparation for each class session. Students are expected to be independently reliable when it comes to being on top of course requirements, such as what readings should have been read by such and such a date, when papers are due or when exams are given.

    German university course syllabi often contain much less detail than in the U.S. To students accustomed to the U.S. style of higher education, this may seem at first very lax, unorganized or even "easy." But JYM students usually soon begin to appreciate this way of learning as quite liberating, but also comes with a lot of personal responsibility. See our recommendations for students in the natural and physical sciences and business. By the end of the semester, students are expected to have done the required work on their own, without constant monitoring as in the U.S.

    You may have only one chance to demonstrate that you've done that work when the one and only Hausarbeit (housework) is due or when the one and only course examination comes around at the end of the semester. Ultimately, the challenge of having taken several courses at LMU and of having witnessed first-hand what higher education is like in Germany is a very rewarding experience that JYM alumni remember with pride many, many years after their participation in JYM.

  • Will my German be good enough to take university courses?

    Students on JYM come from 30+ colleges and universities all across the U.S. Some students have already an achieved advanced level of German language proficiency whereas others may need to do some additional work to reach that level. That's where JYM comes in.

    Our language courses group students together according to similar abilities, so that all can make progress. Students in the full-year program have the advantage of time, ex. they can use the first semester to hone their language skills so that they become confident in taking more university courses during the second semester.

    Every student is different, and JYM tries its best to make sure all students can succeed while in the program. In any given year, JYM students take more than 100 courses at LMU Munich.

  • Can I extend my studies in Germany longer than two semesters?

    All JYM students are matriculated at the LMU for two semesters. Then they are automatically exmatriculated. That means they no longer have student status, access to student dorm rooms, health insurance, or a residency permit. If you want to remain in Germany as a student, you must start the application process from the beginning, and you must present a certificate of language proficiency. JYM always recommends that participants return to the U.S. to complete their undergraduate degrees. It is then much easier to return to Germany to study in a master's program, perhaps even with the support of a DAAD scholarship.